Token Distribution

  • Lydia IFO: The Everest Token will be launched on Lydia Launchpad by September, and AVAX-LYD LP Tokens will be used to acquire tokens.

  • Token Incentives: Just after the Everest Token IFO, Yield Farming and Ecosystem Partnerships will provide a great source of earning Everest Tokens with exclusive benefits, in a non-linear fashion composed of Reward batches, that last up to one month.

  • DAO Treasury: Community-Controlled Treasury, brought by the Everest DAO and used for proposals, grants, research, and more.

  • Everest Labs: Team-Controlled Fund to fund the future development & research of Everest Dapps and general maintenance of Everest DAO.

  • Airdrops: Part of the supply will go to retroactive and proactive airdrops, that will help the project gain visibility and introduce new users to Everest DAO.

Last updated